The RINO Leadership of the Republican Party Central Committee are really butt-hurt now.

Sources in other parts of the state have told me that they have a pretty dim view of California's Republican Central Committees in general.
Most of the members just sit around and do nothing.
They meet, they eat, they burp, and they slurp.
Then they watch the Republican Party brand sink into abject irrelevancy.
This is not a winning formula for growth.
But instead of taking their medicine, they just decided to block.
Check out what RPLAC has done:
Mark Vafiades doesn't want to hear from me, either.
For a chairman who was supposed to grow the Republican Party in Los Angeles.
The one Republican state assemblyman entirely in Los Angeles County–lost his re-election.
I never once saw Mark Vafiades do anything for David Hadley.
And this is how he treats me:
Maybe of Republican leadership in Los Angeles County invested more time in registering Republicans and not attacking conservative groups, they would be winning elections.
No, they would rather block people who accomplish stuff.
Of course!
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